ClearView provides ability for two players to set a network session and fly together. Each user flies his own model, but is able to see and hear the model flown by the other party. This unique capability of ClearView will let you fly together with a friend the same way you fly with other people in your local club. Keep in mind, that the camera will follow your model. You will see the other model only when it comes in the camera field of view. ClearView provides full stereo sound with complete spatial information so it is easy to guess where the other model is when you do not see it. It is good practice to keep the models close - either try to fly formation when flying planes, or hover in close proximity when flying helicopters.
Setting up peer to peer networking requires some level of understanding how to enable your host and port for peer to peer networking. Most of the residential computers are behing router and a firewall. Make sure you understand all what you are doing. There are a lot of resources on the net, or just ask a friend for help. Going to a simulator user group like
this can be a lifesaver. Just ask for help on setting multiplay for ClearView.
ClearView comes with the network multi-play disabled. The reason is, that your computer ports are guarded by security programs that you may have installed to keep your computer from viruses and other threats. You must manually enable the ClearView multi-play and configure your security programs and firewalls are to allow network play. To configure ClearView for net play, you must edit startupParams.txt (Under Program Files/SVKSystems/clearview folder) and change some lines.
myHost localhost
myPort 0
netHost1 localhost
netPort1 0
When ClearView starts and see that myPort is 0 and netPort is 0, ClearView will have the net play disabled. ClearView will work in the usual in local mode. This is the normal way you want to use ClearView. Even after a net play session, you must go back and edit this file and change the ports to 0. This will allow ClearView runs in local mode when started next time. Let's now review the parameters one by one.
myHost must allways be localhost.
For network play, you must select a number for myPort parameter. We suggest to use 31000. Your friend can also select the same number, let say 31000 as well.
Now, you need to find what is your computer TCP address. Please click
here and write down the number. This is your TCP address. Give that address to your friend to use in his configuration, when filling his hetHost1 parameter. Your friend needs to click on the same
link from his computer and give you his internet TCP address. Fill in the address he will provide to you in your netHost1 parameter.
For example:
Your host is:
You choose port number 31000
Your friend host is:
He chose port number 31000
In your startupParams.txt , your lines must be completed like that:
myHost localhost
myPort 31000
netPort1 31000
Your friends startupParams.txt lines must be completed like that:
myHost localhost
myPort 31000
netPort1 31000
Save the newly configured startupParams.txt . Your friend must also save his startupParams.txt Congratulations, you just completed the network setup for ClearView net play!
Now, you have to enable your computer to work as peer to peer over the internet. Let's assume that you know how to do that and you both allready have your computers enabled.
After you and your friend enabled your computers for net play, you must check if that is really the case. Go to
this url to test if your computer address is internet accessible. On the page you wil see your computer TCP address. Select "Ping" and click on the submit button. If your net setup is correct the ping will be successful. If you can't ping, you must do whatever corective actions are needed( like disabling your firewalls, setting your computer in DMZ zone, punching port,enabling your router to answer to ping etc. ets.) Since this is different for everyone's configuration, we do not want to give any specific advise. Make sure you know what you are doing or ask a friend for help.
Ok now, we are getting close. Now, you tested that your computer pungs fine, and your friend tested on the same page that his computer pings fine.
The last step is to make sure the ClearView port is is enabled for Internet access. Start ClearView and do to
this page. On the custom port test line enter your port number (in our example it was 31000) and check the port. If you get timeout, or a message saying that the port is not operational, you have to map the local computer port to the router and expose that port on the internet (nice, now you can get that router manual and read it again...). If the port shows as active, congratulations, you are all set. Another ClearView instance from the net will be able to connect to your ClearView program for mulit-play.
Your friend must start ClearView and both programs will connect automatically. If for some reasons he does not see your model, he must perform the port test from his computer to make sure his port is exposed for communication.
Have fun and fly safe!
The ClearView Team